So technically Zeke doesn't turn 4 weeks old until tomorrow but I know if I don't blog today it won't happen until he's one month old! He is getting so big. Chris and I were looking at pictures of him when he was only 1 week old and he was so tiny! He still is pretty tiny but he's getting chunky. I'm happy that he is getting all the food he is needing and gaining weight...but I want him to stay little forever already:)
One of my friends let us borrow her Miracle Blanket this Tuesday. It's supposed to help you baby sleep longer. The longest time that Zeke has slept in a row at night was 2-3 hours!! The last week it was almost every hour! I was a wee bit tired if you know what I mean. Well we tried it Tuesday night for the first time and he slept for 5 hours straight!!! Fed once and then slept for another 3 hours! It was amazing:) That thing really works.I am so happy she let us borrow it. It's not really a blanket more like a swaddle thing. It hold the baby's arms down so when their reflexes go when they sleep it doesn't wake them up. It's amazing! I would recommend this to any mom out there who has a baby that does not sleep very well at night.
Chris and I took some nakie pictures of him last night. It was so funny...I think he really liked being naked.
Well I guess I should get in the shower while he is sleeping:) Have a great day!