Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Packel Flyin Fish?!?!

Well...I have been packing like a crazy person these past few days. For a trip you ask? A vacations with my super amazing Husband?

Well both of those would be nice but I'm packing because we are MOVING!!! Yes people, we are moving into our very first and very own home!

We have been looking for over a year and just haven't found anything (in our price range). We are extremely excited and overwhelmed at the same time. There is so much that goes into it. And I am not just talking about money. Paper work out the wazoo, inspections, appraisals, 8 hour classes, blood work and tax info. Ok....maybe not the blood work but I'm surprised they have not asked us for it! They need so much stuff that seem pointless to me. Ever since 9-11 they passed the patriot act and they have to account for every penny in your account and how it got there. Making sure that the "Bryant's" are not terrorist or working with them. Ok...so maybe it's not such a bad thing but holy cow it's a pain in the neck!

With all of that said....We are closing on Friday. I can't believe in a couple days Chris and I will be homeowners. We will have to cut our own grass! I am excited about that. I know you say give it a year or two and you'll be saying different. That maybe be but right now I am living in the moment and that moment is exciting.

It's a perfect house for us and will be great for our little family and our family to come(God Willing). 4 bedrooms 2 bath 2 car garage and huge screened in porch. Perfect...the house that God has prepared for us. The wait was and is worth it!

Zeke said he is excited to have his own room! I think Chris and I are happy about that too!
Here it is. Not the greatest picture. It was kinda rainy that day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Swing..said like Wayne's World

Zeke and I went to the park for the fist time yesterday and I tried him in the swing. I was a little nervous at first because he looked so little compared to it. As soon as I put him in he fit!! He smiled and laughed the whole time he was swinging. So cute! I captured a picture...of course he stopped smiling as soon as the camera is out:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Picture Tuesday

6 months old and the cutest kid ever! I am so blessed to have such a great baby. I am honored to be called his mother.

So I'm back home as I told you in my last post and I'm trying to get in a routine. Not just blogging but in life. But I will try my hardest to blog more. I hope you like the pictures:)

Friday, February 12, 2010

SAHM..that's my name.

So I am officially a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) again. I went back to work when Zeke was about 3 months old. I went back because the person I trained to take my place decided not to show back up. Ever. I was happy that they let me take Zeke with me because that's the whole reason I left is to be with him. It was a little challenging doing the work and taking care of him at the same time. I started training someone new about a month ago and it went great! She picked things up really quickly. Which I was great full for. So now I hope to get a routine down. We are starting Zeke on foods this month so this should be fun!

Zeke at work with me:)

Sitting Up

Zeke started sitting up all by himself at 5and a half months old! He is getting so big so fast.

His two bottom teeth came up and out. You can kinda see them in this picture but you have to look really hard.