Friday, December 19, 2014

Midwife Monday....on a Friday ::34WEEKS::

5 weeks people! 

5 weeks until I'm due with this baby boy in my belly.
I'm currently 35 weeks, but today I'll update you on my 34 week life.

Time, where are you going?

Like I say in every update, I feel like I just found out I was pregnant. 

This Monday, I went for my 34 week midwife appointment. Here are a couple updates.
  • I have gained a total of 33 pounds. Which, again, is really good for me. I usually blow up at the end. That hasn't happened....yet.

34 weeks with Baby Kudos.
  • My Iron level has come up one whole number!! I'm at a 10. Which is awesome because now I can officially have an out of hospital birth. I'm still taking my iron supplements to get my level even higher. The higher the better. 

  • He is head down and his booty is up in my right ribs. His heart rate was in the low 140's as well. Great position and great heart rate. :)
  • While my midwife was doing the belly measurement, she noticed that my belly hasn't grown at all. In fact, it actually went down one cm. Two weeks ago, I was 32 weeks but measuring at 31 cm's. That is in a normal range. You can range from one to two cm's, plus or minus the week you're on. So this Monday, I was 34 weeks, measuring 30 weeks. I'm gaining weight and He has been moving like normal so that is all good news with measuring smaller. She wanted me to get a growth scan and fluid level check just to make sure everything was going good in there.   Sometimes, bellies can measure smaller because the baby is low or just in there a way that isn't great for measuring.                                                                                                                        I went today, Friday, with a tiny bit of, "Oh no, what if they find something wrong?" I was not going to worry until there was something to worry about. I wasn't even going to go there. The scan went great and Kudo's looked awesome. All his measurements were on track except his belly. It was measuring a week behind. She wasn't worried about that since everything else was right on. He may just have a tiny tummy.  My fluid levels were all good too. Nothing to worry about. Phew, this momma's belly feels better knowing he is perfectly content growing in my womb and he's getting everything he's supposed to be getting.  It was funny because the ultrasound lady said sometimes with first babies, you are smaller. I told her this was our fourth and her face was shocked. :) After seeing his chunky face and that he has hair, I AM SO EXCITED to meet this boy. I've only seen the skeleton looking babes around 20 weeks so it was extra special to see his face today. Looks like a Bryant. That's a relief! ;)
    You can see the difference in each picture. I was pretty large at this point with the others. 
  • I am still planning on having him at home and HOPEFULLY having a water birth. I will pick the tub up around 38 weeks. I purchased my home birth kit this week, which has me even more excited to meet this boy!
As long as everything keeps going good, we will hopefully have Bryant number four with us by the end of January 2015.

Oh, the ultrasound lady also said he weighed 5 pounds even. So, if that number is correct, which it's know not to be, we will have a 7 pounder. I'll take it!  

Keep growing baby Kudo's!

'Til Next Time

Monday, December 8, 2014

Kudos To You!

Are The Bryants really naming their 4th kid Kudos?

My BFF, Kate Middleton. I call her The Dutch. We're pretty close. She got married on my Birthday, so that makes us practically sisters.

I knew they where getting hippier and hippier,  but that's just a little too much. They're not even celebrities, they don't HAVE to name him something weird.

Have you thought these things since I called my in womb baby, Kudos? Well, you are not alone if the answer is yes.

Chris and I have a name or two that we both love. I just can't 100% lock in on one of them. Kudos is NOT one of them.

You can all sleep better at night now. The truth is out.

Kudos is not only an incredibly delicious and surprisingly nutritious granola bar, that comes in a variety pack of candy bar flavors........

It's a word for giving someone praise for an exceptional accomplishment........

It also makes you sound like a complete dork. But I think that's my personal opinion.

I have decided to nickname this babe Kudos, because a certain Poppi in our family hates that word. So,  it's my duty as his loving daughter, to use it as much as possible. Including nicknaming my baby Kudos.

Boy names are hard!!

'Til Next Time.