We have made it to our last and
final trimester! As you can see we are super excited about becoming parents and just knowing that we are almost there is simply amazing. Have a couple updates we can share with all of you lovely people!
1- We bought a video camera that we have been wanting for the past 4 months. Chris is super excited about this because it's an HD Camcorder with an internal harddrive. ( You tell me what you think about that!!) haha pretty much it has everything he wanted in it! I just wanted the thing to record! :) We want this video camera for a couple reasons:
Number 1) We want to record the birth..Yes the whole thing. Clips of me laboring and looking amazing:) Plus the birth. Our first moments with our first son are going to be so emotional that I want to get it all on film so we can look back and remember what a blessing he is! I am sure it will be so crazy right after he's born that we wont remember everything so that why as well.
Number 2) To record him growing up! I think of the Areosmith song" ...and I don't want to miss a thing." Haha I know I am a dork and seem to relate everything to song. I want to get his smiles, laughs, cries, pee pee all over daddy the first time he changes him and bath times. P.S. Chris has never...I repeat never...changed a diaper before so I am excited to see what will happen!
2- I'm going to be 30 weeks pregnant in three days! How crazy is that. Time is going fast and I like it. The past 10 weeks flew by so I can only imagine what the last 10 will be like. A lot of people ask me how far I am and how much longer I have. I tell them 7 and 1/2 months and I have 10 weeks to go. Some people say well you might not have 10 weeks it could be shorter. True but I am not counting on it. First time moms usually go a little longer baking there little ones. I am kinda planning on going longer so if that happens I will be ok with waiting a little longer for my little Churro to come out!!
3- Birth class starts in two weeks!!!! I am super stoked about that. We are taking them with Kristen, who is the cha cha feeding queen! The class is for 6 weeks every Monday night. It will end about three weeks before my due date. So I know the next 6 weeks will fly by:)
I think that is it for the updates. If I think of any more I will post again.
Thanks for reading!
Oh ya..I have my new belly pictures for the week that I have to post. Coming shortly!