I get these emails each week that update me on my pregnancy and how the baby is doing/growing. I love it because I learn something new each week. Also, when I start to feel something different then I did before in my pregnancy, it usually says something about my symptoms! This week on my 30 week email it talks about Zeke's brain growth and how it's not flat and round anymore. It's starting to look like a real brain with grooves in it. That's cool right. It goes on with some more updates on him and at the end of each email it says how much he weighs and how big he is. One time, I think two weeks ago, it said he was 2.5 pounds and the size of a Churro!! I laughed so hard when I read it and now I call him my little churro:) This week it said he was 3.5 to 4 pounds and was the size of a Chihuahua! That's right..a Chihuahua!!
Here's a picture of my favorite Chihuahua..Snickerdoodle!

It's kinda crazy when you think about having a dog inside of you. What's even crazier, is when I think about something like that coming out of me. I know...I know...I am going to be pushing something far bigger then a chihuahua out of me...but it's still weird.
I couldn't resit putting this awesome picture up.

Don't you just want to squeeze it!!
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