It's official, I'm a mother of a 2 year old.
I can't believe my little man is growing up so fast. I wish I could give him a shot to slow down the growing:)Good thing he's tinier then most 2 year olds. He is so much fun to be around and I love playing with him. He says more words each day and starting to say 2 to 3 words together like, What do you want? He drags out the What part and makes me laugh. To see this little person ask me with a serious face, Whaaaaaaat do you want?
I also love how he prays with us. He closes his eyes and smiles waiting to here the word Amen. then says AAAAmen. Love it!! I feel like the terrible 2's will be at the Bryant house this year too. This parenting thing is no joke. I want my parenting to Glorify God, showing my little man about obedience and listening to me just like God wants us obey Him and listen to Him.
He is such a sweet boy. He loves his Dada so much!! Anytime Zeke hears the garage door open he yells Dada and runs to the door. He loves to go check the mail with Dada when he gets home too. They walk out together and Zeke likes to carry it in. He LOVES to push the garage door button. That is pretty much the only way I can get him to come inside from the car. Any time Zeke sees someone doing yard work or hears lawn equipment he says Dada.
Zeke loves choo choo trains and anything that moves is a choo choo. We're working on that one:)He has a crazy obsession with Elmo. He talks to him on "his" phone all the time. Makes me laugh to hear him talk to Elmo. Hi Elmo, hlsdkjhfihjcvsdhofbkjnnAKJH CNB;KN;DFJN KJFnfKBCDB. That's all I can understand, the rest is jiberish.
What makes me smile really big is his love for his sister EE (Evey)! They play together all the time and it blesses my heart. The first time Evey June smiled was at Zeke. She loves him and He loves her...I hope it lasts forever.
I am truly blessed with this awesome little man! So happy that he is MY son. I pray God will do big things through him.
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