Friday, October 3, 2014

A Fail?

Last night I used coconut flour for the first time. I was a little nervous cause I heard it can be tricky to cook/bake with. It absorbs a lot of moister and you have to get the correct measurement or else it will fall a part or taste nasty.

I wanted to start slow.

I decided on Zucchini Pancakes.

I got the recipe from here.

Looks simple enough, right?

So I shredded my Zucc's and cracked my eggs. I made two batches of this so I just doubled everything.

Added the coconut flour, then added some salt and pepper.

I also added some cumin. I thought that would taste good with everything.
not a lot cause its pretty potent.

Here is what my consistency looked like.

Next, I heated up my skillet with some EVOO. 
I knew they needed to get brown and a wee bit crispy on each side, so I watched them like a hawk! Making sure they didn't burn. I tend to do this more often then not. 

This would be my, " I'm nervous about cooking new things", face.

I think it was about 3 minutes on each side. Flip 'em over and cook the rest of the way. 

They turned out way more egg-ie then I thought. I think next time I'll add less eggs. It came out almost like a frittata. Which isn't a bad thing. It just wasn't what I though they were gonna be. 

Next time I make 'em, I'll add more veggies and seasonings. They were a little on the bland side. I get so nervous about over seasoning that I tend to not add enough. Especially on something you can't taste test before you cook. You know I love eggs but I'm not a fan of salmonella poisoning. :)

Notice the healthy, grain free dinner with a jar of candy corn in the background?

Here's the finished product. Plated up with alfalfa sprouts and gorgonzola cheese. It would have been really good with a type on sauce on it. Or if you are like me, add some Ketchup. The gorgonzola cheese got all soft and somewhat melted over the pancake. YUM-O!!

So, it might have been fail if you look at the original recipe.
I'm not gonna say it was a complete fail cause it turned out pretty good.
Next time, they will be even better!
Onions and basil and garlic maybe? That sounds really good!

'Till next time

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