Since then, I have had a babe and he is almost 6 week old!! Ahhh time flies when you are going off of no sleep and snuggles.
I DO plan on writing his birth story for you guys as well. That just might take me a while. I'm nursing a newborn right now as I type. Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors.
So how did the home stretch go in my pregnancy?
It went great! The usual achey hips and back, feeling like a baby is gonna pop out of you at any minute and ton of Braxton Hicks getting' my body ready to birth this sweet boy. I would get waves of morning sickness here and there but it never stayed. Thank you Jesus! Other then that, I was feeling great. I kept saying I felt too good. Meaning, I knew this babe was gonna take his sweet time coming to meet us.
I would wake up feeling like this...happy and pretty well rested. Not going into labor anytime soon.
Then by the the end of the day, I felt like this...fat and ready to have a babe.
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Week 37 came and I was so thankful to make it full term. That meant I could have an out of hospital birth like I was wanting. I got the birth kit set up along with the other supplies needed for a home birth.
Junk gets real when you set up things for a home birth. Excitement and nervousness start to flood over you. The official countdown has begun. You're turning third base and see home plate in plain sight. This is the longest shortest part in pregnancy.
Nesting was taking over my life. I was a cleaning fool! Cleaning and organizing everything. Then recleaning it cause I needed my house to smell clean at all times incase I went into labor. I would get so upset when I had to cook dinner cause it would smell like food not cleaning products. haha
Weeks would come and go. Each night going to sleep wondering if I would wake up in labor.
Week 36 came and went.
Week 37 came and went.
Week 38 came and went.
Week 39 came and went.
I made in all the way to 40 weeks and 5 days. January 28, 2015 when our sweet little man decided that day would be his birthday.
I was so nervous that he would come on one of his sisters birthdays. He had just two days he couldn't come. The 13th, Scarlett's birthday and the 26th, Evey June's birthday.
I just didn't want them to share a birthday and The Lord answered my hearts desire.
Birth story to come. Every time I get a chance to write it, it's a choice between writing it or taking a nap with my newborn. I choose the nap every time :) Sleep is precious and seems to be a rare thing lately so I will soak up every moment of shuteye I can get.
Til' next time
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