Friday, August 19, 2011


No, I'm not going to talk about my awesome dance moves, maybe in another post.

Lately I have been feeling funky. I hate this feeling because I feel stuck in my day to day routine and feel like I can't do anything about it. This cycle will just keep repeating itself everyday. I want to do something to breakout of the cycle.

My husband bought me Turbo Fire for my birthday this year. I did it for a month and it was great!! I love it. I felt great and it really worked in my schedule. Well, things happened that through me off my schedule and I haven't really picked it back up or put my schedule back in. I have a hypothesis, as my friend Buddy from the Dinosaur Train would say, that that's the reason why I'm feeling funky. Evey week I'll say I'll pick it up next week or start tomorrow but I never do.

I don't want to make anymore excuses!! I am starting back on my schedule and will be working out again. When I had a schedule implemented, Zeke was listening more, I got way more done in a day then I thought I could, and my attitude was happier. Everything thing about the scheduled life was positive. I hate that I got off track and stopped but NO more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Allergy Update

For those of you that don't know, Zeke is allergic to wheat, eggs, and peanuts. We found that out a year ago when Zeke's allergist did a skin test because his eczema was crazy jacked up. It's under control now and his skin has never looked better. Well today was his year check up to see if anything has changed. My second mama, Jen, went with me for support. THANK YOU!!

The test itself is not painful, it's just super itchy. They scratch his skin with whatever he is allergic to, to see how bad of a reaction he will have or not have. They do it on his back so he can't reach it. I have to hold him chest to chest while they scratch and then wait 15 minutes. It's hard but I know it necessary.

As we are waiting they played a Bob the Builder movie to distract him from the itchiness. It worked pretty well. After the 15 minutes are up they come in and measure the size of the reaction and the pinkness around it.

She went over the results with us and his wheat allergy came back NEGATIVE!! Crazy, right?
His egg reaction was a little better then last year which is really good news too. His peanut is pretty much the same, I kinda figured that with the peanut scare we had last week.

I'm SO thankful that he has outgrown the wheat allergy! The allergist said she think he will grow out of the egg allergy too.....with time. YAY!!!! I couldn't ask for anything more.

So now we will slowly introduce wheat into his diet to make sure he is still good. It wouldn't make him stop breathing or give him trouble breathing, like the peanuts could, it would just flare up his eczema. So we will keep an eye on him.

I'm SO excited!!

One of the first things that I thought when she said the wheat was negative was, he can have a "regular" birthday cake next year! haha I'm silly I know this .....but it's true. I'm also excited because that wheat free junk is expensive!!!!!!

I pray next year his egg will be negative too. Who knows, maybe one day he will grown out of the peanut allergy....there is always hope.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You Are What You Eat

Over the past week my husband and I have seen a couple documentary's that have impacted our lives a good way of course:) Food Inc. and Food Matters were the movies and I will say you need to check them out if you haven't already!

They have really opened our eyes to what we are not only putting in our bodies but our kiddos bodies as well. We are health conscious and have always wanted to be healthy but now we have these little ones to take care of and raise. We want to implement good healthy eating habits while they are young so hopefully they will continue to live that way for the rest of their lives.

We are starting down this healthier us road now. We want/need to take care of this one body God gave us. It is our temple.

I'm excited about this and so is Chris. We started this yesterday and I can say I already feel better. Crazy what 1 day will do for you. :)

My friend Crystal over at Veggieliciousmom has been posting some amazingly yummy recipes. My other friend Britney Warner has a great blog with healthy recipes too. Check em out......They inspire me to try new things.

I will share a couple things I have made so far:

Orange Carrot Muffins (Gluten Free of course)
3/4 C. Carrot Pulp
2/3 C. Honey ( I used orange blossom honey from the farmers market)
1/4 C. Orange Juice
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil ( I used olive oil because that's all I had)
2 egg whites ( Since my little man is allergic to eggs I used an egg replacer)
3/4 C. Whole- Wheat Flour ( I used rice flour)
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Combine carrot pulp, honey, orange juice,oil and egg whites. Mix well. Next add flour and baking powder. Mix until all ingredients are combined. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Let cool for a couple minutes and enjoy.

They were SO yummy and great for breakfast/snack during the day. Zeke loved it so that's really all that matters:)

Strawberry Balsamico Dressing

1 C. Strawberry Juice
1 tablespoon Strawberry Pulp
1/4 C. Balsamic Vinegar

Mix all ingredients well and blamo you homemade salad dressing! So yummy!

I will post more along our journey of healthiness. I'm excited to get you want to join me?

2 Big

It's official, I'm a mother of a 2 year old.

I can't believe my little man is growing up so fast. I wish I could give him a shot to slow down the growing:)Good thing he's tinier then most 2 year olds. He is so much fun to be around and I love playing with him. He says more words each day and starting to say 2 to 3 words together like, What do you want? He drags out the What part and makes me laugh. To see this little person ask me with a serious face, Whaaaaaaat do you want?

I also love how he prays with us. He closes his eyes and smiles waiting to here the word Amen. then says AAAAmen. Love it!! I feel like the terrible 2's will be at the Bryant house this year too. This parenting thing is no joke. I want my parenting to Glorify God, showing my little man about obedience and listening to me just like God wants us obey Him and listen to Him.

He is such a sweet boy. He loves his Dada so much!! Anytime Zeke hears the garage door open he yells Dada and runs to the door. He loves to go check the mail with Dada when he gets home too. They walk out together and Zeke likes to carry it in. He LOVES to push the garage door button. That is pretty much the only way I can get him to come inside from the car. Any time Zeke sees someone doing yard work or hears lawn equipment he says Dada.

Zeke loves choo choo trains and anything that moves is a choo choo. We're working on that one:)He has a crazy obsession with Elmo. He talks to him on "his" phone all the time. Makes me laugh to hear him talk to Elmo. Hi Elmo, hlsdkjhfihjcvsdhofbkjnnAKJH CNB;KN;DFJN KJFnfKBCDB. That's all I can understand, the rest is jiberish.

What makes me smile really big is his love for his sister EE (Evey)! They play together all the time and it blesses my heart. The first time Evey June smiled was at Zeke. She loves him and He loves her...I hope it lasts forever.

I am truly blessed with this awesome little man! So happy that he is MY son. I pray God will do big things through him.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Food Allergy Scare

It’s been about a year since we found out what Ezekiel is allergic to and how bad it is. He’s allergic to peanuts, wheat and eggs. The peanut allergy is bad enough that I have an epi-pen with him at all times. It really scares me that I have to have this shot with my kid just in case he comes in contact with peanuts or ingest some because he could stop breathing. Ugh…it makes me sick just to think abut using it. We have had a couple scares since having the epi-pen but I have never had to use it. Benadryl is his best friend in situations where he starts to break out.

This morning was just like any other normal morning here in the Bryant house. Got up and started getting breakfast ready for Zeke. After he was settled I got my coffee and poured my cereal. Zeke was eating his food and spilled some on the floor so he got up to throw it away. He was taking a while to come back so I got up and saw that he was eating some of my cereal that I apparently dropped on the floor. I ran over and got it from him. Minutes later I noticed him itching his neck like crazy and he started to break out in a rash. Neck started to swell and his rash was spreading to his cheeks. I look at the cereal box and it was honey nut cereal. At the bottom it says sprinkled with PEANUTS!!! I start to FREAK! When I bought the cereal I wasn’t thinking and didn’t do a good job checking. All the honey nut cereal I have bought before were always almonds so I didn’t even think to check.
He wasn’t breathing funny or trying to breathe so I didn’t give him the epi-pen. I go to get the Benadryl but we didn’t have any more!! I’m starting to really freak and call Chris. He told me to give Jen Polk a call, who was headed my direction anyways, to see if she can pick some up. She is right in front of Publix as I called, Thank you Jesus!! She runs in and picks some up for me while I keep an eye on him. Breaking out in a sweat and having so many thought running through my head. Feeling AWFUL for having peanuts in my house and letting my kid get into it. Every situation was running through my head…epi-pen, 911, ambulance, hospital and even death. Crazy how fast thoughts come in your head and your brain takes you somewhere else.

Jen gets to my house and we gave him the Benadryl right away. At this point his one eye is starting to get splotchy, puffy and red. His eye ball is getting red too. I call the PED and he said you can bring him in or just wait and keep an eye on him. I choose to wait and with in the next few minutes his eye starts to get better Praise The Lord!! He’s slowly looking better as each minute goes by.

You would think that would make me feel better but I actually felt worse. Guilt is sinking in. I’m SO glad Jen was there for me! She said wake up calls aren’t bad.

Huh? My wall of caution was low and I allowed this in my home. When I first found out about his allergy, my wall of caution was super duper high. I didn’t care if I hurt someone’s feeling by not eating their food or not going some place because they have peanuts or cook with peanuty things. I wasn’t afraid to say something to someone about his allergies if they had peanut butter. I also was super scared for him that I didn’t really even go anywhere because Zeke got a reaction from a shopping cart one day. I’m sure a kid had something peanuty and touch the cart. I get it next and Zeke touches it then touches his eye. While I get Zeke out of the car I notice his eye swollen up. It looks like he got stung by a bee. The other eye starts to swell as well. I was always scared for him. So we spent a lot of time indoors where I was in control of what he was exposed too. As time went by my wall got lower and lower. It’s an inconvenience sometimes and I would just give in. Now I’m beating myself up for being so lax.

I guess this was my wake up call. Now I’m trying to find a balance in our life with the food allergies. It’s hard and I get so upset sometimes but then I think about my life and it could be A LOT worse! Other then the food allergies, our little man is perfectly healthy. While I was in the hospital with Evey for RSV, I would pass mothers and families with children with disabilities. My food allergy road is a lot different then theirs. It really opened my eyes and made me thankful for what God has blessed my husband and I with. 100% healthy children.

So for now I will just praise The Lord for not letting this little scare turn into something big.